EdMD: A History of Success
With over 18 years of experience, EdMD has helped 2,160+ students successfully submit 26,000+ college applications and 35,000+ financial aid forms. With our proven track record and expertise, we can help you too!
EdMD assists students with career planning, major selection, application completion, essay development and editing, unique extracurricular participation that stands out, and filling out financial aid forms.

2023 Success Story: U Penn Nursing
This student had a 4.53 weighted GPA and was a part of the IB program at her high school. She held several leadership positions in addition to more than 150 hours shadowing a midwife. She was unable to earn a strong enough SAT/ACT score for her reach schools. As a result, rather than submitting her test scores to all schools, she only sent them to ones where her score ranked in the top 50% of admitted students. For reach schools, she applied test blind. The strengths of her essays and extracurriculars, coupled with her passion for helping others, which was the theme of her application, led to her acceptance at Boston College, UC Irvine, and the University of Pennsylvania.
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