How should you choose your college major?
How do you research majors, and what makes a good major for you?
The first piece of advice I would have for you is to review all the majors in the department that you are interested in. For example, if you might be interested in biology, do not just look at the Biology major. Instead, look at all the majors connected to the biological field of study.
Let’s say you are unsure and do not even know where to start. Well, let me help you. Pick any college and look at their majors. Read a few descriptions along with the courses you will have to take. Do this with several colleges to see the different majors, and see if anything resonates with you.
If you are still not sure about what to study, the next best thing would be to pick a major that either gives you a specific skill or general skill that employers are looking for. As an example, Mechanical Engineering would be more specific, while Business Marketing would be more general.
You review the majors by looking at the required courses. Most colleges have a roadmap with clickable descriptions of all the courses you have to take to earn a Bachelor’s degree. Choose the major you like the best based on the courses you must take.
(As a side note, if you are interested in engineering, you have to choose a specific major in that field.)
For info on majors that are easier to get into or just general college admission counseling, please contact EdMD College Admissions & Financial Aid Counseling to book your free consultation.